Group Editing Panopto Videos

Videos & Folders can be shared so that a group of students can work on and edit the same video. This document covers the steps to appropriately share folders for group editing. Keep in mind that you will only have access to the "Create" button when accessing a Panopto assignment folder provided by your instructor.



Create a new folder that can be shared with other users

(note: ‘My Folder’ cannot be shared. A new sub-folder under ‘My Folder’ needs to be 
created for sharing. If you already have a created folder you intend to use, ignore this step)


Click “Create” and select “New Folder”Image of the "create" button with a red arrow pointing right indicating to select "New Folder"



Name the folder and ensure the parent folder displays “My Folder”Image of the "name" field to name the folder and a dropdown to select which folder should be the parent folder.

Next to “Options” - Deselect: “Inherit permissions from the parent folder”Image of the option to select “Inherit permissions from the parent folder”

→ Click “Create Folder”Image of the "create folder" button



Hover over the video you want to share with other users for editing and select “Settings”Image of available options when hovering over a video with "settings" item highlighted with red square.


Under the Overview tab next to “Folder,” click “Edit”Image indicating to select the "overview" menu item with a red arrow, and then to select the "edit" button highlighted with a red square and red arrow.

From the drop-down options, select your created sub-folder underneath “My Folder” and then click “Save”Image depicting "My base Folder" selected, which is a new created folder example, with a red arrow pointing right highlighting the "Save" button with a red square.

(Note: You have now moved the video to the folder that can be shared with other users for editing)



Click “Browse” on the left side of the screenImage of the "Browse" button


Select the folder you created where the video resides that you intend to share for editing Image depicting folder example "my base folder" selected with a red arrow pointing to it, with text "Folder Example - your folder will be named something different.

You should then see the folder name display on the top left of the pageImage depicting folder example "My base Folder" displaying on the top left of the web page after clicking it.



Navigate to the top right of the page and click the settings wheelImage of settings gear wheel icon highlighted with a red square to select it

Select “Share” from the menu options on the leftImage of "Share" menu item selected.



Under “People and Groups,” type in the OW email address of the user you want to share with and hit enter on the keyboard

Change the role in the drop-down from viewer to “Creator”


Then click “Send” when you are finished adding users to finalize sharingImage of "People and Groups" option to add people for sharing, with red arrows pointing to an added person as an example, and "creator" selected in the drop down. There is a red square highlighting the "send" button.

(note: the users you share ‘creator’ access with to your folder will be able to fully edit videos in that folder)


Visit the following article to learn more about how merging videos works: Merge Multiple Videos in Panopto