Log in to Panopto

Review below the two options for signing in to your Panopto user account


Option 1:
(Note: Panopto is integrated with Brightspace access – it will recognize when you’re signed in to Brightspace)


1. Log in to your Brightspace account


2. Remain signed in to Brightspace and in the same browser visit www.panopto.com


3. Click “Sign In” on the top rightImage of the "sign in" option highlighted with a red rectangle.


4. Enter your OW email address when prompted and select “Next”Image of a red arrow pointing to the email address field during sign in flow, with "Next" button highlighted with a red rectangle.


5. Select "D2L OLD" and click Sign inImage of a red arrow pointing to the "D2L" option selected in dropdown, with "Sign in" button highlighted with a red rectangle.


6. If prompted, click “Continue” – You will then be signed in to your Panopto account

Image of the "continue" button.


Option 2:


1. Visit the following URL in your browser: www.panopto.com


2. Click "Sign in" on the top rightImage of the "sign in" option highlighted with a red rectangle.


3. Enter your OW email address when prompted and select “Next”Image of a red arrow pointing to the email address field during sign in flow, with "Next" button highlighted with a red rectangle.


4. If prompted, select D2L OLD and click Sign inImage of a red arrow pointing to the "D2L" option selected in dropdown, with "Sign in" button highlighted with a red rectangle.


5. Select “Network Login”Image of the Network Login option for selection


6. On the SUNY Secure Sign On page – Select “Old Westbury” in the dropdown and click “Log In”

Image of a red arrow pointing to "select campus" dropdown, indicating "Old Westbury" as being selected, and red arrow pointing to the "Log in' button.


7. Enter your OW credentials and click “Sign In” to access your Panopto accountImage of the username and password fields, and the sign in button, on the old westbury portal login page.