Add a PDF to a Panopto Video


You can upload a PDF file to a video for student review and download. Students can also watch the video while keeping the PDF open for review (see bottom of document)



Hover over the video you would like to add a PDF to and select the “Settings” tabImage of options after hovering over video, with "settings" option highlighted with a red square.


Then select “Streams” from the menu items on the leftImage of "Streams" menu option selected with a red arrow pointing to it.



Under “PDF Documents” click “Choose File” to select your PDF. Then click “Upload PDF” to finish adding your PDFImage of PDF upload options, with red arrow pointing to "choose file" as step 1; and red arrow pointing to "upload PDF" as step 2.


Note I:

If the student chooses to play the video embedded within Brightspace, the PDF contents will display first before the video is played – It may then load at the end of the video from there if the student watches againImage depicting an example PDF displaying in the Panopto video player.

Note II:

If the student selects ‘Watch in Panopto” from the player on the bottom right, the student will be able to keep the PDF contents open on one side of the screen while they watch the videoImage of "Watch in Panopto" icon highlighted with red square. Also an image of student view after selecting "Watch in Panopto, with video playing on left side, and PDF contents displaying on right side.





Article ID: 142535
Fri 10/14/22 2:54 PM
Tue 2/13/24 3:12 PM