NSB Classroom Projector Instructions


This document covers how to display the lectern computer screen to the overhead projector


Turn on projector by firmly pressing Power button - The power button seen here is located on the wall
(it can take 30 seconds to boot up from there)

Press power button twice to turn offImage of the projector power switch with text "Power Button" in red to indicate the power on button.


Sign in to desktop computer at lectern
-If the computer is in sleep mode, press keyboard keys/move mouse to wake computer

-If turned off by prior instructor - press power button on monitor or power button on computer underneath lectern as neededAn in-classroom picture of the lectern computer, keyboard, and mouse.


If the computer screen does not appear through projector, ensure the “A” button is pressed in on the VGA switch underneath the lecternAn image of the VGA switch, with the "A" button highlighted with a red square.


Control volume via computer volume settings as well as master volume knob underneath lecternTo the left, an image of the audio icon on the lectern computer screen, highlighted with a red square. To the right, an image of the master volume knob on the control panel underneath the lectern highlighted with a red square.


Visit the following page to learn more about NSB classroom TV Monitors

NSB Classroom TV Monitor Instructions





Article ID: 142455
Wed 10/12/22 12:19 PM
Fri 1/13/23 5:47 PM