This document covers the following information:
- TV Monitor Touchscreen Menu Options
- Connecting Devices to TV Monitor (cable connections/dongles)
- Starting and Displaying a Zoom Session
- Accessing and Displaying the SUNY OW Portal
Getting Started
Power on TV monitor by pressing power button on bottom right
Touch screen and tap the yellow + icon to select menu options (use whiteboard; open a web browser; start a zoom session)
Touch screen and tap the 3 dots to utilize tools (take screenshot/screen recording; use pen for drawing; close window or exit presentation)
Connect Your Device to TV Monitor
(connections are available for all devices)
- Locate available dongles that run from TV & identify appropriate connection for your device:
- Plug the HDMI cord into the appropriate connection for your device:
- Now plug the appropriate connection into your device (with HDMI cord connected to it):
Exit the TV Whiteboard or Switch Back to Home screen
Push the ‘Quick Menu’ button on the frame of the TV (next to the Power button) ⇒ Tap ‘Open’ on the touchscreen ⇒ Tap ‘HDMI 1’ on the touchscreen
Start Zoom Session or Sign in to SUNY OW Portal
Option 1
Sign in to Zoom or into SUNY Portal on your device, then connect to the TV Monitor (per above steps)
Option 2
Zoom - On TV tap the yellow + (plus) symbol ⇒ Tap WebRTC ⇒ Tap Zoom ⇒ Sign in directly on TV, OR ‘Join Meeting’ you started on your computer or phone with that session key
SUNY Portal - On TV tap the yellow + (plus) symbol ⇒ Tap WebRTC ⇒ Tap Portal ⇒ Sign in on TV
Visit the following page to learn more about NSB classroom projectors
NSB Classroom Projector Instructions